New Releases Abound...

With the constant stream of submissions it becomes easy to forget to look outside your inbox for new music. This post highlights some of the best new releases making the rounds of the blogosphere in addition to some releases that recently landed in our inbox.


On a sleepy winter night in Grinnell two years ago, I had the blessing to catch a joint Night Moves/Oberhofer show. The night quickly became anything but quiet as the two groups proceeded to assure that anyone living above the dorm hall basement wouldn't get any sleep so they might as well turn out and dance. Oberhofer proved to surpass my already high expectations for the show. With PBR in hand, everyone put their heads down and focused on the task at hand, dancing to the infectious surfer rock. As Brad Oberhofer crooned, "The city's looking queer and crass, with beer cans growing blades of grass, to look like something new.," I remember my friends and I looking at one another with wide grins stuck on our faces, bearing testament to the cathartic release. The take away from the show you might ask? Xylophone, that xylophone should and must be used whenever possible. Quite simply it makes everything that much more dancable.

Needless to say I jumped on "Earplugs" as well as "You + Me (In the Future)." Oberhofer's newest offerings come ahead of the April 23rd release of Notalgia. "Earplugs" surfaced about two weeks ago while "You +Me (In the Future" is as young as yesterday. Grab a beer and focus on the task at hand.


It is about time that Bochi Crew threw down some Swedish dream pop again. Among my favorite discoveries of the fall, Postiljonen, graces us with a new release titled "Supreme." Where Postiljonen had been a bit slow for my liking in the past, they remedy it a slightly more driven "Supreme." The bubbly synths threaten to boil over at any moment before building to an M83-esque climax. Postiljonen released an appropriately dreamy video to herald in the new release (video via The Line of Best Fit). As always, beautiful scenery and beautiful people. Fellow countryman, Niva threw down an equally digestible remix included below for a digestif.

Crystal Fighters

Crystal Fighters already have their story pasted all over the internet as a result of Star of Love. These Spaniards/Brits have crafted an idiomatic sound, infused with elements of traditional basque folk and more contemporary synthesizers. The result, an earthy, organic, and electronic melange with considerable pickup. The vocals are what strike me most on any Fighters track, they are just so fucking natural sounding. The only artist that comes close to touching them is Arlissa. "Wave" offers more of the same. Star of Love had to be one of the strongest debut albums I have heard and if "Wave" is any indication, Cave Rave looks to be even more rousing. Take your calender, draw in a big red circle on May 27 and brace for the release of Cave Rave.

Jon Lawless & Mary Cassidy

It seems like every week now we have a new track from Ontario's First Rate People. In response to my last post where I aired my regret that Mary Cassidy had not been included in "So Sure," Cassidy wrote back saying I wouldn't have to wait long. I found "Verbs" in my inbox this morning, cranked up the headphones, and slipped into a folk/funk-induced euphoria. "Verbs" lands on the funkier side of the spectrum for sure. Jon Lawless and Mary Cassidy continue to set the bar high. I truly hope these guys get the credit they deserve.


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