Swedes Swedes Swedes

I have been going through a huge Swedish binge right now, only rivaled by the Icelandic binge I took upon first learning of Sigur Ros several years ago. This spree all started with my exposure to jj, an extremely inventive and talented Stockholm based dream pop duo who love to recycle American hip hop lyrics. Check out "Let Them" below which makes use of T.I.'s "Let 'Em Talk." This spree also led me to the Swedish record label Sincerely Yours. Sincerely Yours houses jj as well as Air France, and Sail the Whale. However. the main focus of this post is the Swedish group Postiljonen. Comprised of two Swedes and one Norwegian, Postiljonen creates a memorable, touching, relatable and infectious song with "How Will I Know / All That We Had is Lost." Though a distinctly sad song lyrically, I find myself pulling a bizarre joy from the somber song. Could be that the instrumentation is so well done that it overrides the sad, longing content. I initially picked up the track from jj's blog. Below is the video for "Let Them" and "How Will I Know / All That We Had is Lost." Head to Postiljonen's soundcloud to pick up some free tracks. I am not sure when their first album will drop but when it does be sure to pick it up.

yours0158 from Sebastian Järnerot on Vimeo.

How Will I Know / All That We Had Is Lost from Postiljonen on Vimeo.


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