A/S/L - "3934 km"

Photo via XLR8R

Sunday's track comes via XLR8R and is one to start the week with. "3934 km" from producer A/S/L comes ahead of his EP, Away from you. The title of the track really got me wondering - especially because I tend to spend hours pouring over maps. A/S/L is based out of LA so figured why not throw a point down on the map and see what is 3934 km away. Sure enough, you head about that distance east and you hit NYC. Take Horace Greeley's advice and go west my son, you hit Hawaii. Personally, I'll take the warmth of "3934 km" and make a bid for a Hawaii, especially after digging out from a few inches of snow this weekend. The only thing making "3934 km" anymore listenable, is that its free. Warm listening and enjoy a bonus track from Abhi//Dijon


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