Simply Put

A downside to not having this blog be my only focus is that a lot of great bands and new tracks get shafted simply because of time constraints. If I write a post I want to ensure that I have the time to devote myself to the artists back story and any quirks and travails that have landed them where they are. Groups I post put a tremendous amount of time into their music so why shouldn't I. The past couple of weeks have left my mind in perpetual somersaults debating if there was a way to balance minimal commentary and songs that deserve a post. I have come to the conclusion though that some press is better than none. Even if I can't give these bands the time of day they deserve with a full write-up, there is no harm in posting them as part of a compilation. This marks the beginning of a new feature on Bochi Crew called "Simply Put." Look for it each week and unlike our Postcards feature there won't be a set number featured each week. It will be a mix of submissions, tracks we have found, and the newest from groups we have already given a full-fledged background for in prior posts.


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