Postcards XIV

The aim of the Postcards feature is to promote the best music that we have received in the past week in one post. Each Postcard gives a glimpse of different set of genres and artists form different pockets of the globe. The list will be capped at three, allowing for a more in-depth look at each featured artist. If you want to be featured on Postcards send Bochi Crew your music at and follow us @BochiCrew

Ms. Henrik

Perhaps one of my favorite voices that has been sent my way, the androgynous Swede, Ms. Henrik has found a hit with "Mark." Though "Mark"is built on a solid foundation of catchy electronic riffs, the vocals are what do it for me. I haven't heard a voice like Ms. Mark's that hooks me from the get go since "A Little Letting Go" from Mr. Fogg. Another notable release from Ms. Henrik has been Doing it for the Man".


It has been a hot been since I have been looking forward to the next release from Milwaukee's Klassik. His newest, "Late2TheParty" chronicles Klassik's desperate pleas to be let into the heart of the woman he loves. He begs to be let on the guest list to her heart. Klassik smoothly blends solid beats, eloquent lyricism, and effortless style into one package. The jazz influences are pretty apparent from the get go with this one and trace themselves back to his mentoring by local jazz saxophone legend Berkley Fudge. While I always have to put out love for musicians from my home town Milwaukee, there is no bias involved in my support of Klassik, this guy has wicked talent. Klassik claimed for himself the titled of "Solo Artist of the Year" from the Radio Milwaukee Music Awards in addition to "Anything" being awarded the catchiest song of the year by Milwaukee Magazine. Why do artists like Klassik not get more love on the national level? Why oh why?

Charlie Darker

If you want something catchy look no further than Charlie Darker's Sunshine mix of Walk the Earth's "Red Hands." A summer tune for sure, the Sunshine mix toes the fine line of hitting to hard but always remains on the blissful side. The mix hones in on the near perfect amount of pickup before settling into minimalist lulls. A summer weekend anthem in the making!


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