Foxes - "Beauty Queen" (Jack Beats remix)

It's around 11:30 on Friday night here in Morocco. If I was back in Marrakech I would be grabbing a bite to eat and then getting ready to hit Theatro. Unfortunately, I am back in sleepy Rabat where the closest thing you get to a decent drop and beat is the yelp of a stray dog or some cats going at it on the neighboring roof. The throbbing house beats and vibrant synths in my headphones are as near to the dance floor as I will get. The Jack Beats remix of Foxes', "Beauty Queen" however, has done a better job than most at putting me right there at the DJ booth. Jack Beats packs the young Brit's track to the brim with pickup. Something along the lines of the Energizer bunny comes to mind.

The original is a brilliant track in its own right, marking another strong performance by the emerging Louisa Rose Allen. Unfortunately, the remix is currently only available to stream from NYLON Magazine. Looks like y'all will have to wait until May 13th to get your hands on a digital copy. In the meantime stream it from NYLON and take a gander at the "Beauty Queen" video below! Don't forget to check out her soundcloud too, it's worth it, I promise!


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