EYE EMMA JEDI - "Places" [MP3 + Video]

Hardly a week went by last fall where EYE EMMA JEDI didn't receive airplay on Grinnellevance, a radio show that my friends and I put on. The three of us got hooked on "Sin," all at different times, which ensured that it wouldn't be leaving the Grinnell airwaves. Since, "Sin", the Norwegian/British outfit have taken a 100 day hiatus to Monda, Spain. The group arrived in Monda via a truck chock-full of equipment and commenced writing, producing, and recording their debut album. Curious why EYE EMMA JEDI chose Monda? So am I but I can't say I know, my best guess is isolation. I can however tell you a bit about the small village. Wait... I actually can't even do that given the dearth of information available. What I can tell you is that the Roman Civil War supposedly reached its conclusion with the Battle of Munda, though unclear whether this town is the same as Monda, residents like to claim so. The town also has a sick castle that dominates the skyline and is hard to miss.

Similarly, EYE EMMA JEDI stick out like a sore thumb, in a good way. I put EYE EMMA JEDI right up there with The Royal Concept as the indie-rock band with a target on their back. On first listen, "Places" didn't strike me as the most remarkable track from these guys, but this changed after a few listens. The group certainly lands on the pop side of the spectrum at times, but retains a genuinely unique flare that isn't obscured by formulaic song writing. One moment you are in the midst of a pop-laden chorus and then moments later it gives way to a flailing instrumental breakdown.

EYE EMMA JEDI additionally put out a video for "Places," highlighting some of the better moments of their three month stay in southern Spain.

Germany Tourdates:

26.04. - Kiel, Pumpe

27.04. - Halle, Druschba

29.04. - Rostock, Campus Ulmenstraße

01.05. - Hamburg, Prinzenbar

03.05. - Berlin, Magnet

04.05. - Dresden, Beatpol

05.05. - Köln, Studio 672

06.05. - München, Backstage Club

07.05. - Mainz, Schon Schön

08.05. - Ilmenau, BC Studentenclub

10.05. - Wolfsburg, Sauna-Klub

11.05. - Kassel, A.R.M.


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