Best of Fall '12 - The Short List

With fall coming to a close, we will usher in the winter with a best of the fall mix. The mix contains a variety of artists that touch on a handful of genres. Selecting the songs for this mix took considerably longer than initially planned. With the advent of music blogs, hypem, and bedroom producers, the amount of music that is available now is unprecedented. In the interest of space and time, the list will be kept to eight. Similarly, we won't bog the post down with unnecessary commentary on each track, let the music speak for itself.

Starting off running with "Nowadays" from YUS.

Now transitioning from YUS into something a bit different with "Deeper" from Alpines.

Patterson Hood will always be my go to guy for if I am on a country binge - "Better Off Without"

Distant, reflective folk with "Can't You See" by Steffaloo

Mellowed out King Krule rework of Angel Haze's "New York"

Followed by the smooth "The Crossing" of Menahan Street Band

You have heard Of Monsters and Men but have you heard Cillo's take on "Yellow Light?"

And ending the mix on a high note is Mansions on the Moon with "Radio"


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